The Grange School, Hartford

The Grange is a respected co-educational independent school, offering education across all age groups. It holds a prominent position among our clients as one of the most popular choices. The school has consistently achieved impressive exam results, which further contributes to its appeal. Since 2015, we are proud to share that 100% of our students who have taken the 11+ entrance exam for The Grange have successfully gained admission.

Take the first step towards securing a bright future for your child at The Grange School by reaching out to us through our enquiry form. We look forward to partnering with you and providing the guidance and support needed for your child's success.

The Grange 

The 11+ entrance exam takes place in January and consists of 4 papers and a computerised assessment:

1 – Mathematics

The mathematics paper is a standard assessment similar in difficulty to the Y6 SATs. Some of the questions may require thinking outside the box, but all of the concepts should be familiar.

2 – Creative Writing

The Grange’s creative writing assessment consists of 3 short writing challenges that assess different areas of writing ability. The simplest of which is improving a few sentences using adjectives and adverbs, then a descriptive paragraph, followed by a slightly longer writing piece.

3 – Personal Questionnaire

The school claim to be interested in what make applicants ‘tick’. They gauge this through the personal questionnaire, where your child is expected to talk about their hobbies, aspirations, etc.

4 – Verbal Reasoning (VR)

The verbal reasoning assessment is broadly similar to other 11+ VR assessments that assess logical thinking, use of the English language and vocabulary.

  • Don’t be tempted to complete a large amount of tests in preparation. This is not a good way to prepare and it is likely to make little or no difference to your child’s results.

  • Focus on bringing up your child’s academic standard in order to successfully gain a place. This way when your child does gain entry, they will continue to thrive when they start.

  • Reading a variety of good quality classic books will help improve your child’s vocabulary and reading skills.

  • Familiarise yourself with the format of the exam. Know the types of questions, the time constraints, and any specific instructions.

  • Get enough sleep, eat well, and exercise regularly. Your physical well-being can have a positive impact on your cognitive abilities and concentration.

  • Practice under exam conditions. This includes timing yourself, avoiding distractions, and creating an environment similar to the actual exam setting.

Ready to take the next step?