Our education system is failing boys.

Around 80% of our students are boys - it has been higher, but never less. There is a concerning trend that many boys are not performing to their full potential at school. While all of our students benefit from some aspects of mentoring during their tuition, our mentoring service is primarily to provide encouragement, direction and to boost self-esteem and confidence.

Have you heard this before?

  • The current education system, which often emphasises long periods of sitting and passive learning, may not fully engage boys who thrive on hands-on, experiential learning. It's crucial to provide more opportunities for active learning, practical applications, and topics that resonate with boys' interests to foster their enthusiasm for education.

  • Boys often have a natural tendency to be more active and kinetic in their learning approach. While fidgeting may seem disruptive, it's important to recognise that movement can help boys maintain focus and engagement. It's essential to manage this behaviour effectively but fairly, bearing in mind that fidgeting is typically unconscious rather than intentional disruption.

  • Boys, by nature, can be more energetic and assertive, and they may express themselves in ways that differ from girls. Instead of viewing his behaviour solely as disruptive, explore strategies to channel his energy constructively. Providing outlets for physical activity, encouraging participation in team-based activities, and teaching self-regulation techniques will help him manage his behaviour in a more positive manner.

  • Communication is a key aspect of learning, and boys often prefer verbal expression as a means of engaging with their peers and understanding concepts. While excessive talking can disrupt the classroom environment, it's important to encourage healthy communication channels and teach him appropriate times for discussion. Group discussions, collaborative projects, and opportunities for sharing ideas can harness his verbal skills effectively.

  • Boys may struggle with maintaining focus for extended periods, especially in traditional classroom settings that prioritise quiet, solitary work. Recognising his need for movement and variety, we can explore ways to make studying more dynamic and interactive. Incorporating hands-on activities, visual aids, and technology can help capture his interest and enhance his ability to stay engaged throughout his studies and revision.

  • Homework can be challenging for many students, particularly those who struggle with time management or find the tasks uninteresting. It's important to consider whether the assignments are appropriately challenging and relevant to his learning needs. Additionally, providing clear instructions, establishing a structured routine, and offering support and encouragement can help him develop better homework habits and take ownership of his academic responsibilities.

  • Boys can approach revision differently than girls, often preferring active and hands-on methods of learning. Instead of traditional studying techniques, he may benefit from more interactive and engaging revision strategies. Encouraging him to create visual aids, such as diagrams or mind maps, and incorporating practice quizzes or games can make the revision process more enjoyable and effective for him. Understanding his unique learning style and providing guidance on effective revision techniques tailored to his needs can support him in achieving better academic outcomes.

We need to do better.

Our mentoring service is not merely about academics; it’s about shaping your son’s future. It’s about his happiness, and it’s about his well-being. Our goal is for your son to have his dreams and hopes validated, to have direction about how to achieve his goals, and to have an advocate who understands that being a boy has unique challenges in the context of education. We will challenge where necessary, and we will guide your son on how to use his strengths to make the most of his education.

We aim to spark your child’s intrinsic motivation to bring about life-changing results.

Ready to take the next step?