Cheadle Hulme School (CHS)

CHS is a highly regarded co-educational independent school, offering education across all age groups. It has become a popular choice for many of our clients, and we believe that the school has undergone significant improvements in recent years. Since the appointment of a new headship in 2018, Cheadle Hulme School has shown promising developments and we anticipate that its best days are yet to come.

Begin your journey toward Cheadle Hulme School today by contacting us through our enquiry form. We are excited to assist you in securing a bright future for your child at CHS.

The 11+ entrance exam takes place in January and consists of 3 online tests and 1 paper:

1 – Mathematics (CEM Computer)

The test lasts for 1 hour and calculators are not allowed.  The questions are designed so as to provide an increasing level of challenge.  As such it is hoped that all candidates will be able to attempt the earlier questions whereas the later questions will allow the brightest candidates to really stretch themselves. Candidates are advised not to rush, but to take their time and to work steadily; they should show what they can do rather than worry about what they cannot do.

All questions will be structured around the following topics:

  • Adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing whole numbers and decimals (including long multiplication and division)

  • Rounding to a given magnitude

  • Using negative numbers in context (e.g. temperature)

  • Extending number sequences

  • Understanding factors, multiples, square numbers and prime numbers

  • Using equivalent fractions

  • Adding, subtracting and multiplying fractions

  • Converting between fractions, decimals and percentages

  • Finding a fraction or percentage of a quantity

  • Solving simple problems involving ratio, proportion and scale

  • Interpreting and constructing simple formulae involving one or two operations

  • Using basic properties of angles including the sum of the interior angles of a triangle and the sum of the angles at a point

  • Solving problems involving coordinates (all four quadrants)

  • Using the symmetries of 2D shapes (including the parallelogram, rhombus and trapezium)

  • Using the properties of isosceles and equilateral triangles

  • Solving problems involving the nets of 3D shapes

  • Using the formulae for the perimeter and area of rectangles and triangles

  • Calculating the area and perimeter of compound shapes

  • Finding the mean of discrete data

  • Drawing and interpreting pie charts and line graphs (including conversion graphs)

  • Converting from one metric unit to another

  • Solving problems involving the 24-hour clock

2 – English (CEM Computer)

The English paper is 1 hour long, and is divided into two sections: Reading Skills and Writing Skills. Candidates will be given a passage to read, which may be either fiction or non-fiction.

In the Reading Skills section, candidates will be asked several questions which will assess their understanding of the vocabulary, ideas, structure and tone of the passage. Of these questions, the first two or three will test retrieval skills, the rest will test inference skills.

3 – Non-Verbal Reasoning (CEM Computer)

The CHS verbal reasoning exam is broadly similar to other 11+ VR assessments that assess logical thinking, use of the English language and vocabulary.

4 – Creative Writing (Paper)

A 30 minute written creative writing paper set in-house by CHS.

Credit – Cheadle Hulme School

  • Don’t be tempted to complete a large amount of tests in preparation. This is not a good way to prepare and it is likely to make little or no difference to your child’s results.

  • Focus on bringing up your child’s academic standard in order to successfully gain a place. This way when your child does gain entry, they will continue to thrive when they start.

  • Reading a variety of good quality classic books will help improve your child’s vocabulary and reading skills.

  • Familiarise yourself with the format of the exam. Know the types of questions, the time constraints, and any specific instructions.

  • Get enough sleep, eat well, and exercise regularly. Your physical well-being can have a positive impact on your cognitive abilities and concentration.

  • Practice under exam conditions. This includes timing yourself, avoiding distractions, and creating an environment similar to the actual exam setting.

Ready to take the next step?